Care ID
Care for accurate identity
Because of big changes in health care system and an increasing demand for care, the need for home care is getting higher each year. With this high need the request for identification of employees at the home of clients and creating a save environment has become a requirement. Care ID creates a clear and valid employee badge that can be used by home care providers to identify and if needed get access on location.
[column position=”first” size=”1/3″]CardsOnline Care ID
Ideal for home care
CardsOnline Care ID is the online solution that allows cost efficient production of ID cards for all employees. With this online application you can design your own card and print on a local printer directly from the Cloud.
Care staff have secure access to their card information anywhere and everywhere using smartphone, tablet or PC. The care employees can manage their own information. They can block their card when the id card gets lost, request a new card or upload a photo or diploma, it is all possible.
Everything save in the Cloud
Efficient for small and large organisations
Integrate with your HR-system
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Online: authorized remote users
CardsOnline enables authorized remote users to access the information and resources they need to manage the ID card production.
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Create professional card layouts
With CardsOnline you can create your own card design with our intuitive Card Designer, that offers all the functionality you need.
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Manage roles, cards and data
CardsOnline has three default administrator roles and an operator role. More roles can be defined and added. CardsOnline makes it possible to manage the issued cards and manage the card data.
Save data into the cloud
Next to the option to install CardsOnline on a local network, we also offer the cloud solution. Easy access through a web browser and only requires internet connection.[/column]
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Capture photo’s and add data
CardsOnline supports photo capture through a webcam, file upload, or IntelliTWAIN capture software that has auto-capture and auto-cropping functionality.
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Smart device compatible
CardsOnline can be used from desktop computers as well as smartphone devices and tablets. This portability allows you to work with CardsOnline any time, anywhere you want.
Signals from the media
Therefore Care ID!
[column position=”first” size=”1/4″]Inbraak bij vrouw (88) gebruikmakend van sleutel verpleging.
“Mevrouw ontdekte pas een dag later dat ze bestolen was.”
[/column] [column position=”second” size=”1/4″]Een gewaarschuwd mens telt voor twee!
“Wij willen u als thuiszorgklant op het hart drukken dat zorgpersoneel zich te allen tijde kan legitimeren.”
[/column] [column position=”third” size=”1/4″]Zwarte lijst ingesteld voor stelende zorgmedewerkers.
Waarschuwingsregister moet voorkomen dat wegens diefstal ontslagen personeel zonder probleem elders weer aan de slag kan.
[/column] [column position=”last” size=”1/4″]Vijf verdachten babbeltrucs aangehouden.
Twee vrouwen die zich voordeden als zorgmedewerkers.