BadgeMaker News

Try BadgeMaker 2.0 for FREE and WIN!

ScreenCheck 25 year anniversary:
Register now, try BadgeMaker 2.0 for FREE and WIN!

BadgeMaker 2.0

Try BadgeMaker 2.0, the updated software lets you view, import, manage, connect, encode and now also share your BadgeMaker projects. With the BadgeMaker Share Add-On projects are made available for collaborating securely across your organisation.

ScreenCheck is pleased to announce several updates that help with some of the most common card production tasks. The most noteworthy updates include automatic card design assignment using external columns, migration updates so old projects like IDPro 7 and BadgeMaker “Classic” can be imported into BadgeMaker 2.0, print improvements for supported card printers like Magicard and an update in the filter and search feature.

Anniversary ScreenCheck

This year is a 25 year anniversary. Therefore Screencheck celebrates her years of experience in ID solutions by sharing the celebrations with her employees and customers. Throughout 2016 ScreenCheck has planned several activities, events, gifts and special

Since the 25th of May ScreenCheck is making it possible to win a Google VR Cardboard for anyone who has registered for a FREE BadgeMaker 2.0 trial before the 25th of June.

With the ScreenCheck VR Google Cardboard you can join us on a journey through the past, present and future of our ID world. Experience 25 years ScreenCheck in the 3D / 360 ° Virtual Reality Experience for Google Cardboard, Samsung Gear VR or Oculus and take a look into the future of ID solutions.

Try-BadgeMakerRegister now to try out the new update for free and win!

Register here  for a free BadgeMaker 2.0 trial key.

Try out these new features and see how they can help you do more with BadgeMaker 2.0! Any ideas on other features and improvements that you would like to see in BadgeMaker? Contact us and let us know what you think!