Until the end of the year, ScreenCheck now offers a spectacular trade-in promotion for your old card printer. Get back up to € 750,00 for your old printer and *free installation of the new ScreenCheck SC4500 printer on location. Ordered this year, available from stock this year.
Buy the SC4500 Card Printer now

SC4500 Card Printer Double-sided:
With € 450,00 discount trade-in action now from
€ 2.109.00 for € 1.659.00
SC4500 kaartprinter Double-sided with encoding:
With € 750,00 discount trade-in action now from
€ 2.739,00 for € 1.989,00
Including installation at your location.
- * Gratis installatie is van toepassing, indien u een onderhoudscontract heeft op uw huidige kaartprinter
- Installatie op hetzelfde systeem en softwarepakket
- Printlinten, in ongeopende verpakking, kunnen worden omgeruild voor SC4500 Printlinten
- Oude printer wordt, na installatie van de nieuwe printer, teruggenomen door ScreenCheck
- Actie is geldig tot en met 31-12-2021
- * Free installation applies, if you have a maintenance contract on your current card printer
- Installation on the same system and software package
- Print ribbons, in unopened packaging, can be exchanged for SC4500 Print ribbons
- Old printer will be taken back by ScreenCheck after installation of the new printer
- Promotion is valid until 31-12-2021
NPlease contact ScreenCheck Sales for more information.
Tel: +31 (0)79 360 1165
Email: sales@screencheck.com
ID Card Printer Software
ScreenCheck provides ID solutions by creating quality ID software and offering ID card printers from leading brands in the identification industry.
ScreenCheck introduces BadgeMaker. The ID card software that contains everything you need for your card production process.
As an all-round card management solution, ScreenCheck introduces CardsOnline.