
Corporate Photography and ID Cards: Collaborating with Foto Koch

At ScreenCheck, we take pride in our collaboration with Foto Koch, a trusted partner who helps us deliver high-quality solutions for school and corporate photography combined with ID card management. Together, we provide seamless integration of corporate photography and card production through our CardsOnlineย ย platform.

Our partnership has already delivered impressive results, such as:

  • An efficient process for Sanquin:
    Foto Koch captures employee photos, which are immediately uploaded to CardsOnline for further processing and used as the photo on their access cards.
  • School photography with card production for Blaise Pascal College:
    Foto Koch not only handles the portraits but also prints all ID cards for students and staff via CardsOnline.
  • Clients like ASG:
    Thanks to our collaboration, weโ€™ve secured significant projects that lay the foundation for future success.

With Foto Koch by our side, we offer clients not just premium photography but also a fully integrated process for producing and issuing Digital IDs and/or ID cards. From corporate portraits to school photography, our combined efforts add value to every project. Together, we look forward to many more exciting projects ahead.

Want to know more?ย Discover how weโ€™re working together to createย innovative solutions.